“The closer you look, the less you see.”
– Nemo Jantzen, artist
This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the LA Art Show and get a glimpse at what’s new in the art world. While roaming the convention center floor, I picked up on one particular trend: using dimensionality (often 3D objects) to create larger compositions. One artist skilled at this: dutch artist Nemo Jantzen. He uses glass and resin spheres with tiny images that together form “bigger pictures.” He explains:
In my new body of work I go beyond telling a one image story and depicting a voyeristic look into another world(s) and reality. With large scale images built up out of hundreds of small image; stories incapsulated in glass spheres the work simply keeps repeating to the viewers “The closer you look, the less you see.”
Detail, “Blue Note”
See if you can tell who’s depicted here (tip: step back from your screen to see the “bigger picture”).
“Now You See Me”
“The Closer You Look”
“All That Jazz”
“Film Noir”
“Fashion Victim”
“Blue Note”
Check out more of his work at NemoJantzen.com.
Images via NemoJantzen.com