Starting a new brand or have an existing brand?
Here’s an easy way to know you’re on the right track with your branding: you’ve got to know what I call “The 4 P’s” – your brand’s PEOPLE, PURPOSE, POSITIONING, and PERSONALITY. And not just on a rational, analytical level but on a deeper emotional level (because that’s where the real connection magic happens!). So many new founders skip this crucial step and go straight to a website, some social handles, and a few pretty IG templates. But that doesn’t have much relevance or staying power if the beauty of your brand is only skin deep.
Three action steps you can take right now to level up your brand:
1) Download the free guide “The 4 Brand Essentials You Must Know (First!)” as an intro to figuring out your own 4 P’s.
2) Take a free 40-minute workshop to find your unique and authentic BrandTypeTM Personality and learn how to start using it right away from your copy to your content.
3) And of course if you want to really understand and uncover the potential of your brand and all that you have to offer, sign up for the Brand Building Foundations course (“The 4 P’s” is just one step of a 5-step process!).
It’s all to give you a new way to look at your brand and the tools to bring your value to life that is meaningful and impactful to both you and your customers.
Let’s build brands that matter!