Do you know your brand personality?
I’ve found through my 20+ years doing brand building that people and brands typically have a combo of three personality types that make them totally unique. This combo informs how you communicate, what content you produce, and how you’re able to resonate and engage with your audience over time. Clients and Brand Building Foundations students tell me this exercise is incredibly clarifying for them, and they continue to utilize their brand personalities in their
Here’s my unique mix of three and how you might see it in what I’m putting out in the world:
The Curator & Creator = “Inspiration”
First and foremost, I am a creative, and this is why my clients hire me, and also how I inspire a wider audience. This tells me that my style is my own and I do not need to bend to the trends. Instead, I can explore what I love. You’ll see me express this in my designs, decor, and personal style. It’s how I stay inspired for myself, my clients, and beyond.
The Expert = “Tools”
Guides are typically experts in their fields with years of experience, and LOVE sharing their knowledge with others. Educating people with what we know is like food for our souls. This tells me to create a process or approach to help others learn what I do. I’ve done this for years, through one-on-one strategy work with clients, my Branding Masterclass Tour, my Brand Building Foundations course, and any of my speaking and thought leadership contributions.
The Builder = “Aspiration”
A lot of founders are naturally achiever types because we enjoy accomplishing our goals and continuously improving (otherwise, we wouldn’t have taken on this journey that requires so much of it!). We walk the walk, we get things done. There are a different ways of embodying an achiever brand, but one way I use this is through the standards I hold for myself, the level of quality I seek in my work and relationships, and through my credentials. You won’t see me intentionally putting anything out there subpar, nor will you see me not following through on what I say I will do.
There are 12 BrandType Personalities I’ve come across. What’s your mix of three? Take my FREE Brand Personality Workshop and see which three resonate with you. How does it change the way in which you view yourself and what you are putting out into the world? Does it help you communicate with your intended audience in a more meaningful way?