A little dose of hip in Orange County
Let’s just say I was giddy as a school girl to be invited to a cocktail party for Jonathan Adler’s store opening in Newport Beach, and I think everyone there could tell from the grin on my face and sparkle in my eye (well, ok, maybe that was the dirty martini had prior). But since moving from the westside I often feel a lack of appreciation for modern design down here in the O.C., so this event was a nice reminder to me that there do exist hip people behind the curtain!
Mr. Adler was so gracious taking photo after photo with admirers, signing books and pottery for anyone and everyone that asked. I loved his line, “Let’s model!” before each pic was snapped!
L to R: Alisha Fliss of Alisha Michele Public Relations, Jonathan Adler, Julie Thigpen of Modern Chic Home, and me. Photo courtesy of Belle Maison 23.
But I have to admit the highlight of my night was meeting fellow graphic designers Mrs. Lilien and Joy of oh joy! If you haven’t yet seen their blogs, first I must ask where have you been, and then I must ask you to add them as must-reads — talent, looks and personality galore!
Thanks to all for the inspiration!
Read more shop talk here
Holy Smokes. I just met Julie last week. She’s doing the shelter project I just finished. She’s just starting her room and I met her the day she came in to check out the first set of designers’ completed rooms. I kinda gave her the tour. She’s so sweet. This whole blogging thing is making the world seem smaller. Pretty cool, and a little weird.