Tory Burch co-founder opens first flagship concept store in Soho
First of all, let me say I absolutely love that I heard about the C.Wonder store from a reader that took the time to email me! Because of Cindy’s email, I took a look at the C.Wonder coming soon e-commerce site, and then the C.Wonder Facebook page, and was b.l.o.w.n…a.w.a.y. The brand is seamless, from the shop interiors, to the products they sell, to the family of graphics they put out in a variety of media.
[ The logo. The custom wallpaper. The “C” mosaic tilework. OMG. ]
[ Decisions, decisions. Which side appeals to you most? ]
[ The logo again. But those stripes! ]
[ Did you notice the shape of the central niche? And the high-gloss teal accents. Oh and the gold trim. ]
[ Yes, those are indeed teapot pendant lamps….and the logo on the awning. ]
Wouldn’t you think that a store that looks like this would carry products at boutique prices? Surprisingly, C.Wonder offers a range of home goods and apparel in the $25-$200 range. And apparently, you can monogram almost anything in the store, customize the music and lighting in your dressing room, and make purchases right there from your iPhone. Very hip. Very savvy.
[ Ikat, zebra and gold, oh my. ]
This is kind of brand that graphic designers drool over. Not only is the logo simple and strong, but the supporting brand elements around the logo elevate it to the next level. It’s the perfect example of how a brand should function for you: you can create various pieces (print, electronic, interiors, environment signage) that all tell the same story while remaining true to the brand and totally unique.
For those of you in/near Manhattan, you can visit the store (lucky ducks!). For the rest of us, we’ve got to wait for the C.Wonder e-commerce site to launch. Until then, you’ll most likely find me in a pile of my own drool. ;o)
Other than that minor problem…have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks so much for sharing this! I have never heard of them before, but the minute I get to NYC I am heading over there!!
From what I have read C Wonder is Tory’s ex husband’s brand….I just love does have a Burch vibe to it but he took it to the next level. Just love the vibrancy :o)
Love the way they carried the logo throughout the store–without hitting you over the head. Plus, boy are there a lot of steal-worthy creative ideas for the home!
Thanks for sharing.
I can’t wait to check it out in person! I always do NYC in the spring. Have a great weekend!
Wow looks like my kinda store! If they ever open one in So. Cal we must go!
Wow !! The store is SO gorgeous. It almost doesn’t look like a store. I love the high gloss teal and gold accents !
The niche! The gold! The colors! It’s all so good. Neesd to launch online immediately!
Hey girl – that store is super cool – love the two separate sides. This post definitely inspires me to think about my “brand” – need to hire you to do it one day when I have some moolah… have an awesome Halloween weekend!
-e (modern24/7)
Ooh, Soho you say. I just may have to ‘C’heck it out in a few weeks when I’m in NYC.
Love the stripes but I was most drawn to the minty blue. Have a great weekend!
This store is 2 blocks from our apt!! I waited months for it to open and it is color heaven!! I want to live there. x
I’m blown away! It looks like heaven on earth! Will definitely be heading there in the very near future. Perhaps even this weekend :)
Have a great one, sweetie! xoxo
It’s so pretty; I want to live there!!!
Um, WOW! that is actually incredible. incredible!
Erika, I actually printed out their logo just in case I need to look at a sample of the best logo I’ve seen in ages!! I cannot describe how much I love that “C”!!!!!!! So so so awesome!!! :)
Wow wow wow. I scrolled through thinking, “Nice stuff. Probably can’t afford any of it.” But then I got to your price caveat. So YES, totally blown away! Blogger meetup in New York?!?!?!
wow.. everything seems so complete, so homogenous… and full of energy!
The branding is soooooo good. The more I look at it and pull it apart the more I like it. I think this may call for a trip to the Big Apple, in the name of research of course.
This is more than brand genius, this is brand *PERFECTION* in my book! Hot damn they are good. Seriously, I think I would like to move in to that store…and I need about a million dollars to buy multiples of everything I want! Fabulous find, my dear, I will be drooling right along side you!
I am so in love with this store already!! I love the turquoise walls!! and those little teapot pendant lamps are just too adorable!!
AMAZING. So excited!!!
I’m so totally excited about this store- even if I have to order online!
Wow. Thanks for sharing because I’m utterly in love! The branding is genius and I could hang out all day in that store!
Wow- What a cool space and I loved seeing it through your eyes. Knowing me, I’d head over to the decor side first, but I think I’d have to hit up both.
LOVE THIS! When I first saw tweets coming in about the opening, I was stoked! Definitely adding this to my must-sees in NYC. Dream store and dream branding – I love it all! Thanks for sharing more of these photos. :)
I seriously cannot wait!!! Must get there ASAP! :)
Does anyone know who did C Wonder’s branding?
C Wonder’s branding by:
New locations are in the works for CA and ATL!
C Wonder Branding by:
New Stores to come in NY, CA, DC, PA, and ATL!