I can’t tell you how exciting it is for me to see clients thrive.
A few years back I had the opportunity to help textile and pattern designer Rebecca Atwood with her brand and website, and it’s been so thrilling to see her featured everywhere online, in print in Vogue (!), and now, on the shelves of every Target in America with her collab with Method Home. I mean, how beautiful are these bottles? And a logo I designed is on them? Dream come true! (You better believe I picked up one of every size, shape and color and passed them out to friends and family!)
Get a glimpse into the genius at work with some of her process snapshots:
Incredibly happy for Rebecca — a genuinely down-to-earth, sincere, inspiring, talented woman you want to see succeed (and are not surprised at all when she does…and continues to soar). Congrats Rebecca!!!
Photos via Method Home; top photo by Erika Brechtel
Love Rebecca Atwood! I recently purchased one of her striped original paintings and am eyeing her wallpaper. Check them out on her website!
I’m digging her wallpapers!