I’m so thrilled to introduce to you my incredible new assistant, Jenny Rose! It’s only been two weeks since she’s been on board, and she’s already revolutionized my life, seriously! She keeps me organized with new processes she puts in place, she motivates and invigorates me with new ideas she initiates and develops herself, and she’s been a fantastic sounding board for my usual go-it-alone self. I don’t know how I’ve made it this long without her!
I’m all about paying it forward: I worked as an intern and assistant my last year in college and my first year in design school for an interior designer that ran her own business out of her home. She was an incredible mentor for me and I knew I always wanted to do the same for another young woman. The right timing, the right opportunity, and of course, the right person all aligned and I am overjoyed and so blown away by Jenny’s drive and creativity. Please welcome Jenny Rose!
Hi Jenny! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
JR: Hello! I’m so excited to be writing for the E-List! For a little background, dear readers, I’ll first start off by saying I am one of you. This blog has been a source of inspiration to me for quite some time, so it’s truly an honor. I will definitely print this out and stick it on my parents’ refrigerator, that magical and magnetic space where all printable triumphs belong.
I’m also a senior studying Fashion Merchandising at FSU, a part-time New Yorker, a former Lucky Magazine and Into The Gloss intern, a knitwear shop owner, and an aspiring brand stylist.
You have an entrepreneurial drive and are already a business owner yourself! Tell us about your (very successful) Etsy shop, Remember A Day.
JR: I’ve had Remember A Day, my little Etsy knitwear shop in which I sell my handmade scarves and sweaters all over the globe, since I was 17. Naturally, people always think I’m a diehard knitter, but the funny thing is, my passion for the business really lies in the branding and marketing process! I always got such a high off of ordering new business cards. Branding Remember A Day, and working with brands like Lucky led me to this great respect for the power of consistent and cohesive brand identities. They really make it or break it for a company, and Erika is the greatest example of someone who has forged a career on that crucial detail. For this, I’ve really admired her.
With all of these accolades under your belt, what drove you to pursue this opportunity?
JR: This job position was formerly non-existent until I reached out to Erika and asked for it (read: propositioned, nearly insisted upon, and would have begged for). There are so many reasons I wanted to work with Erika, and they’re not all related to my interest in branding. I feel very passionate about female entrepreneurs, and the importance of creating opportunities for yourself. This is a value I know Erika shares, supports, and exemplifies in her day to day life. (Just wait ’til you see what new entrepreneur-related blog feature we have coming up!) Even before I became interested in branding, Erika unwittingly inspired me for years—I found images of her home buried deep in my Pinterest “decor” boards from years past, but I mean, don’t we all?
From this vantage point of Brechtel-related insight, I’m happy to confirm she truly is every bit as talented and creative as her site portrays, and then some! She’s also a really fantastic boss. We have so many fresh, exciting new ideas and plans we’re putting to action—I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy!
I’m blushing! And so excited about what we have in the works! Lastly, I’d love to hear a funny story from your intern experiences that you “are allowed” to share with us all.
JR: My second week at Lucky Magazine was the week when the former Editor in Chief was replaced by street style star and incredibly sweet social media guru Eva Chen, who casually refers to the infamous Anna Wintour as “Anna.” Due to the leadership transition and their relationship, Floor 6 saw a lot of “Anna.” Now Condé Nast headquarters has very tiny hallways. So whenever you see “Anna” walking down the narrow corridor, unwritten protocol mandates that you stop whatever you’re doing, and basically fling your body against the wall to allow her to pass, eliminating any shred of possibility for bodily contact. This happened to me twice. And while all evidence suggests that Anna Wintour is not as icy as her reputation would have her (ice bucket challenge notwithstanding) participating firsthand in legendary Wintour hysteria was definitely fun nonetheless. Also!—Fashion people eat. In fact, most of them are followed by a trail of macaroons and lavishly decorated donuts. I think they’re just equally devoted to kale everything and juice cleanses. It all balances out!
Hilarious! Thank you for taking the time to introduce ‘The E List’ readers to you! So thrilled to have you on board.
Much more to come from this talented, aspiring young woman, I guarantee!
(And no, you can’t steal her away!)
Photos courtesy of Jenny Rose
Yolonda says
Funny story. Nice to meet you.
Jobeth says
Being inspired by someone then having the opportunity to have them as a mentor is truly special. Not many find this. Knowing Jenny took the initiative to pursue an assistant position with Erika Brechtel’s the E-List AND was accepted speaks volumes about the drive, talent and creativity of both parties. Snaps all around! Can’t wait to see what develops!
Jenny Rose says
Thank you so much for your thoughtful words! I appreciate it very sincerely.
Have a great weekend!
Noni says
So inspiring. :)